Monday 20 December 2010

My Project.

During the first semester at university I was given the task of reviving art from a historic period. I choose to revive art from the Art Deco period for half my project and Renaissance for the other half. Each formed two collections.

Usually associated with Art Deco are geometric patterns but I focused more on the floral side of it. Starting by taking photographs, developing these further into sketches and then into more linear drawings. 

To enable my designs to be laser cut suitable I re-drew them on the computer using Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photo Shop. This gave me the freedom to take my work a lot further.

Here is some work from my first collection-Art Deco.

These designs were part of my first final collection.

Here is some work from my second collection-Renaissance revival-including laser cut designs on corrugated card and paper.

These designs were part of my second final collection.

Throughout my project I took influences from both historic and contemporary artists. I have enjoyed reviving the work from the past and interpreting it in my own way.

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